Having read novels by Mandy Robotham before I eagerly requested her latest book, The Girl Behind the Wall, via NetGalley and I wasn’t disappointed. Whilst I cannot comment on the historical accuracy (due to a lack of knowledge myself!), it always appears that Mandy has done extensive research before writing her fiction.
The Girl Behind the Wall is the story of twin sisters Jutta and Karin who become separated by the sudden presence of the Berlin Wall overnight after Karin becomes stuck in East Berlin after unfortunately being taken ill. Prior to this we learn of the close knit family environment and life they shared with the girls lives entwined with an invisible thread, as descriptively mentioned numerous times throughout our timeline. Understandably Jutta is distraught at the separation with her sister and I found her desperation to gain contact and ultimately bring Karin back to West Berlin, emotive and raw. My heart ached with the knowledge that so many Berlin families would have suffered similar circumstances and such pain.
The story follows Karin and Jutta in parallel allowing the reader to experience the anguish that each twin endures on each side of the wall. Despite Karin being physically stuck on the west side and experiencing the oppression of the Soviet Rule, I actually felt it was Jutta who was impacted the most. Whilst Karin seemingly adapted and made the very best of a terrible situation by making a new life for herself with Otto and her friendship with Walter, I felt Jutta’s life became dictated in a revolve of ‘wall ghosting’ in attempts to find and make contact with her sister. It was clear from the beginning that at some point a difficult and heart wrenching choice must be made however an ultimatum for Jutta was unexpected.
I can readily admit that my knowledge of the Berlin Wall and the Stasi Soviet rule of East Berlin is scarce however I thoroughly enjoyed the powerful and emotive story of Karin and Jutta. The Girl behind the Wall is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and other books by Mandy Robotham.