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Lessons in Chemistry – Bonnie Garmus

Mrs Furneaux

Simplified to a single word, Lessons in Chemistry is amazing. Hilariously funny, witty and with somewhat surprising turn of events, I would truly challenge anybody not to enjoy this book. Elizabeth Zott is not your “average” woman and would happily counter that an “average woman” just doesn’t exist. Determined to live her life to her full potential and ignore what would be considered the “societal norms” of a 1950’s/60’s housewife/mother, Zott is a woman we should all aspire to and wish our daughters to be.

Although described as hilariously funny by myself and many other book bloggers, Lessons in Chemistry also features some very important issues including discrimination, sexism, both sexual and physical assault as well as how under valued and unappreciated women were in society. As a female in a health profession with a love of science (not a nurse I might add!), it’s disturbing to think that my career would just not have been possible or accepted for women in the 50’s. Whilst I am pleased that women are also encouraged and able to have careers within previously male dominated areas such as maths, science and engineering today, it is also saddening to think we have not overcome all of the issues raised in this book. Whilst being entertaining and funny, this is an incredibly thought provoking read.

That being said, Lessons in Chemistry is not serious or “heavy” and I wouldn’t wish to discourage potential readers. Elizabeth is a fantastic and well developed character, as is her intelligent and strong daughter Mad however my absolute favourite has to be “six-thirty”. A bizarre and absurd name for a dog however six-thirty’s personality shone throughout the book. I’ve never read a book where the dog has a voice for the reader, it’s imaginative and refreshing and I feel six-thirty is expressing all the thoughts our beloved canine companions have day to day.

Overall Lessons in Chemistry is a fabulous debut book and one of my favourites of the year so far. I would wholeheartedly recommend it to all my family and friends and I hope the soon-to-be TV series really does it justice!



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