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Betrayals - Bridget Collins

Mrs Furneaux

Despite finishing the Betrayals, which centres around the Grand Jeu, I would still struggle to describe what the ancient game actually is – a combination of music, maths, philosophy and religion however how it is actually played and what happens, well I truly have no idea. Whilst this may frustrate some readers, I loved that I was able use my imagination and the descriptions provided by Collins to decide in my own mind what I would like the Grand Jeu to be. I think every reader would have a different, unique theory as to what the Grand Jeu is, and to me it is definitely a game of illusions.

The Betrayals wasn’t a book I devoured in a few hours or even a few days, it was definitely a slow burner however I found the story intriguing and the plot twist towards the end of the book certainly took me by surprise! It is set in both the past, told in the form of Leo’s old school diaries and his ‘friendship’ with Carfax, and the present day told from the perspectives of Leo, Magister Luidi/Claire Dryden and the “Rat”.

The portrayal of the “Rat” was an interesting but strange concept. Sneaking in the shadows it was difficult to decipher if the “Rat” was human or animal however as the story develops the role and significance of the “Rat” is discovered.

The Betrayals is cleverly crafted to allow the reader their own interpretation, to engage their imagination and become lost in the world of the Grand Jeu and Monteverre.

Reviewed via NetGalley.


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